Non Academic Achievement

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Non Academic Achievement

Non Academic Achievement


For the development of a strong personality, it is important to have exceptional academic and non-academic skills. Only achieving academic skills are not enough for any individual, because Non-academic skills build confidence within an individual. Moreover, it enhances various skills of the individual and open areas, where the individual can excel. Those individuals who only restrict themselves to academics often fall back and are not able to compete with other students. In this paper, we will discuss the importance of Non-Academic Achievement, how it helped me in my academic and career life.


There are no substitutes or short cuts to hard work. If one works hard with a strong dedication to toward work, he or she can achieve immense success. I believe this philosophy and try to give my 100% in all the things I do. As a business graduate, I believe in strong communication skills, which is very important for the success of any individual hence, it is important to communicate effectively with others and learn the skills. In order to improve the communication skills, it is very important to develop confidence with in oneself and indulge in extracurricular activities. It not only improves different skills of an individual, but also makes an individual an improved person.

I participated in speech and dialogue programs, in my school and college. I achieved second position in the inter-debate competition of my college on the topic of Political Science. I regularly participated in such college and school programs. When such programs were initiated by our school and college management, I also participated in the management of such events that only helped me developed good relations with my colleagues, but also helped me to understand the issues and conflicts that arise while initiating a new event or plan. I arranged an inter-college football tournament, which was successfully played in community football area. I have a love for the game of football, so I participated in the event for my team. It was a worth wile team. Such events helped me to know my strengths and weakness and helped me to know and understand my colleagues, which is very important to build good social relations and contacts with different people. When you have good relation and understanding with other people, it helps you to carry out your work, as others are there to help you. Networking is very important for the success of academic and professional life of an individual.

Learning is a very significant part of human development. It is a lifelong process, which enables a person to know about different life experiences that could be used in order to improve personal and professional life. Learning of different work processes in a professional life could significantly improve the work time and lead to improved efficiency. Learning and professional experience is a very important tool for the development of an individual. For the purpose, I am always in a look to develop myself professionally and gain ...
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