Noise Pollution

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Noise Pollution


The term noise that refers to the noise (known to be excessive and annoying sound) causing due to the human activity (entertainment, traffic, industry, aircraft etc) that produces the negative effects on mental and physical health of people. The term is closed related to the noise as the noise occurs when it is considered to be pollutant i.e., an annoying sound which can cause adverse health effects (National Environmental Quality Standards, 1993).

Discussion and Analysis

Noise pollution is characterized by a high level of noise to the point of impact on human health and the environment: noise can affect the health and quality of life, with the physical and / or psychological for men and women who suffer, and also affect biodiversity. Noise has harmful effects on human health: stress, sleep disorders, effects on the cardiovascular system, immune and endocrine effects on mental health (Mathur, pp 12-34).

Noise control laws are openly violated. It is time the authorities wake up and act against the danger of noise pollution. They should strictly enforce noise control laws.

Origin of Noise Pollution

The major causes of noise pollution is actually human activity, although noise has been existed from ancient time because of the Industrial Revolution, as due to the development of new means for transport and the expansion of cities, it begin to increase the problem of noise pollution.

Impact on the Environment

Noise pollution is rapidly causes the natural balance in the ecosystem. Noise pollution can lead to disruption of orientation in space, communication, foraging, etc. In this regard, some animals begin to publish more loud noises, because of what they will become as a secondary sound pollution, further disrupting the balance in ecosystem (Field, pp 2756).

One of the most famous cases of damage to the nature of noise pollution are numerous instances where dolphins and whales beaching themselves, losing orientation due to loud sound of military sonar (sonar).

Impact Due To Vehicles

The main sources of noise pollution in the society come from motor vehicles, estimated at nearly 80%, 10% corresponds to industries, 6% for rail and 4% in bars, public places, pubs , industrial workshops, etcetera. For a few years the phenomenon known as "moved" juvenile leads in various areas of large cities, serious problems among the inhabitants of these premises, they endure noise pollution from vehicles, stereos and noise emissions participants in the "scene".

The current fleet of Spain, with more than 16 million vehicles, continuously generates a particularly intense noise as only as a result of friction with the road tire sounds are produced, accumulated, resulting pollutants. The construction of motorways or bypasses near different towns have multiplied the effect of road traffic and the sound it generates. There are areas

particularly affected by being built near railway or airports. Without reaching these levels can be extreme, generally suffers multiple exposure outside the home and habitat within the home and work, which impacts on personal health depending on the time it suffers and special awareness may have each individu l (Jeva, p ...
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