No Child Left Behind Act

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No Child Left behind Act

No Child Left behind Act

Article # 1

The Impact of No Child Left Behind on Teachers' Writing Instruction (Sarah J. McCarthey)

The main propose of this topic is to see the impact of NCLB on teachers' writing instructions and what differences are there in high and low level income school in terms of teachers writing instructions. This article research was conducted on the basis of four factors emphasis on testing, curricular effects, awareness of lower-achieving students, and concerns for English language learners. Overall research shows that both teachers teaching at high and low level income school held master's degrees so more or less there writing instructions patterns are same. But the minor difference observed between the low level income teacher and high level income teacher is that low level felt the impact on NCLB to a much greater extent as compare to high level income teacher as a teacher from high income feel much more freedom to teach writing. Overall main impact of no child left behind act on teachers is it increases their morale.

Article #2

Measuring Academic Proficiency under the No Child Left Behind Act: Implications for Educational Equity (James S. Kim and Gail L. Sunderman)

The main purpose of this article is to have a focus on the issue regarding the accountability of that schools which are running under the umbrella of no child left behind act in this article authors trying to focus on the negative side of this act especially in this area where schools are racially diverse from other schools of United states, as according to this act racially diverse school faces problems in terms of students achievements as they are a force to qualify that criteria as prescribed by the no child left behind act, so authors main focus here is to find the main differences between those schools running under the same umbrella but in altered states, according to author alternative performance criteria should be design in order to check the performance targets for these schools as figures from six various states shows differences and biases which are off course, not in favor of racial school, but most of the Americans are not in a favor of this they demand that parallel performance evaluation should be applied to all schools running under no child left behind act. So in short while measuring academic proficiency, the concept of equality should be followed in order to have proper evaluation of those students.

Article # 3

The Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Career and Technical Education: Implications for Students with Special Needs (JeanAnn Gaona)

In an article, by JeanAnn Gaona, NCLB complexities relating to individual needs students are discussed. The author stresses that the technical and career education areas of the NCLB need to be redefined as the needs change. Moreover, the assessment and monitoring criteria defined by NCLB needs a drastic revision too. In the past, the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) placed a specific focus on the ...
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