No Child Left Behind Act

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No Child Left Behind Act

As per the article published in New York Times (July 6, 2012), the administration of president Obama, within five month has made school accessible in the central provision by providing free school in more than half of the nation. The education law has been established to focus that no child is left uneducated in the central provisions, the question arises that the previous program adopted by the federal government now stands nullified.

An announcement made by Education department on Friday, states that there are waivers granted in two different states (Wisconsin and Washington) and it will releasing soon which were difficult conditions and belonged to the legislation of Bush era. There was a sigh of relieve in twenty six states as now they are free from the controversial goal of making all the students efficient in mathematics and reading by the year 2014. There are more waivers remaining to be approved which include District of Columbia and 10 other states. According to the dean of the Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education University, Andy Porter, if there will be so many waiver provided to skip the law, then the law be practiced less.

It is because of the No Child Left Behind act that schools have focused on providing education at a massive level to students that are minority and cannot afford education. The law practice has not been transparent there has been some cheating scandal as well, the critics has recognized flaws in the rating system of school as labeling school on performing low on the basis judgment is not wise.

It has been observed that after waiver is provided to districts and schools for educational promotion, there must be some alternate condition followed, as there is a need for new aims and targets to prepare college students and professional individuals. To make a good check and balance system there should be check on the schools as well as teachers, to identify the role played for the achievement and success of students in the standardized test. These test should recognize the efficiency and effectiveness of the teachers, the test score will help in scoring the district and school ratings.

There have been repeated efforts by the congress, to re-establish the educational law in the past five years, but they have failed because the Republicans and Democrats are unable to agree on a defined responsibility of federal government in education. It is due to the pressure of election year, that the administration of Obama has schemed around Congress in order to use the waivers to promote their own educational agenda.

It appears that a typical pattern is adopted for waivers by the circumvent lawmakers and administration, as it was witnessed last month when there were funds granted of approximately hundreds of thousands to issue a stay of execution from deportation of young illegal immigrants. There are different policies displayed by the administration to stop fuel price raise according to the economic standard, shortage of medicines and decrease in the fee of refinancing of ...
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