Nike Product

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Nike Product

Nike Product


A new Nike product is to be launched. For this purpose; a marketing article for Nike marketing magazine is needed to develop. This paper intends to develop that article for Nike marketing magazine. The marketing article will be focused over two different segments of Children under Sixteen years of age and Individuals Interested in Sports. The first part of the article will describe the new Nike Product that is to be developed for the market of United Kingdom. Product features and advantages will be provided in this part. Also, the benefits to market the new product in United Kingdom will be elaborated. The next part of the article would explain the places and distribution aspects to make sure the convenience of the customers. The next important part of the article will discuss how the prices are set to reflect the organizational objectives of Nike and also the market conditions prevailing within United Kingdom. Moving on, promotional activities for the purpose of achieving marketing objectives of the new product will be highlighted.

Marketing Article for Nike Magazine

Nike is essentially one of the most famous brands that prevail within United Kingdom. Nike takes intense initiatives in launching new products from time to time ( This time, Nike has established a new product which intends to target children less than sixteen years of age and individuals interested in sports. Thus, there is nothing new that Nike has developed a product for individuals interested in sports and children under sixteen years of age; new product features need to be marketed accordingly.

Marketing Plans for Two Different Segments in Consumer Markets of United Kingdom

United Kingdom as a whole is an extremely big market for the products of Nike. Nike has an established name and therefore; extra ordinary marketing efforts are not needed. Only, highlighting the new product features would fulfill the marketing purpose of Nike. The two different segments that are selected to focus are Children under the sixteen years of age and individuals interested in sports. All the elements of the marketing mix will be described separately for both the targeted segments in the article.

Product Description

The new product of Nike tends to attract two segments which are children under sixteen years of age and individuals interested in sports. The new Nike Product is extremely comfortable and luxurious. Nike is essentially a luxurious brand; however, this time it intends to target young crowd under the age of sixteen. Nike is related to sports; therefore, coming up with a new product; Nike cannot forget those individuals who are interested in sports. There are sports lovers who actually wait for the new product ranges coming from Nike; therefore, Nike has to attract this market always.

The new product is an offering to the children under sixteen years of age and the people who are interested in sports. Both the segments that are selected to focus for the product require the basic feature of comfort, luxury and style. There are several reasons to market the product ...
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