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During the WWII, million of the Jews were sent to the concentration camp due to the Hitler's anti-Semitic policy. The autobiography, Night, by Wiesel Wiesel is written proof of the real life horror that existed during the Holocaust. Wiesel was growing up in a small Jewish town. His world revolved around family, religious study, community and God, but all the important things to him were destroyed when he and his family were taken to the concentration camp. At that time, he was only 14. The tortures at the camp caused his beliefs about God to change. He started questioning the existence of god, and after he witnessed the death of the innocence, and the death of his family, he had lost the beliefs in God.

At the beginning of the book, Wiesel was 12, a strong believer in God. He read the Talmud daily, visited synagogue nightly and studied the cabbala with Moshe the Beadle. Even after the Nazi started treating the Jews unfairly, all the anti-Jewish decrees and the ghettos didn't seem to have much effect on the Wiesel; he kept his faith in God without question.

However, things started to change when Wiesel and his family were taken from their town to the concentration camp at Birkenau, where he was separated with his mother and sisters forever. By witness the children and babies burning in the flame, he was questioning himself, why should he praise the god while the god tolerated such cruel things to happen. The first night in camp turned Wiesel's life completely. It was the first time he learned how people could be so cruel to the others, it was the night that turned his dream to dust, and it was the night he lost the faith in God.

From that day on, although many people believed the ...
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