Nigeria, which is officially known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is an African country in the west of Africa, which is one of the n Africa, the heavily populated continent. This country shares its borders in the west with Benin, in the east with Cameroon and Chad and in the north and south this country faces the Atlantic Ocean. The country of Nigeria stands at seventh state by population in the world which is considered as a part of Commonwealth of Nations. According to WHO recommendations, health issues and health care reforms in Nigeria are precarious. This may be because of the fact that the foreigners do not need to get vaccinated before entering in the country. However, requiring nationals of certain countries with some of the contagious diseases visit the country and spread certain diseases here which is very alarming situation. There is still the possibility of contracting cholera, so caution is advised. It is desirable to know the country of origin before starting the journey to decide on the need for vaccination, since the experts do not agree to determine its effectiveness.
The choice and personal adjustment as well as side effects or incompatibilities with other drugs is required to be mentioned before taking a necessarily medicines. The medical care in Nigeria cannot be compared with European standards. Especially outside of the Nigerian cities are hygiene, technology and medical devices at a low standard. Often there are no adequately trained or English or French-speaking doctors. The sanitation situation in the country is highly precarious. Currently, endemic tuberculosis, and malaria (especially prevailed in the southeastern part of the country), typhoid and gastroenteritis also in the Lagos area. There is also a high risk of hepatitis A and B, meningitis and cholera. AIDS is expanding rapidly.