Nhs In The United Kingdom

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NHS in the United Kingdom

Healthcare in the United Kingdom and NHS


The healthcare system of the United Kingdom is referred to one of the most systematic and effective systems of healthcare in the world. The emergence of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom has played a vital role in the development of an effective healthcare system in the United Kingdom. The core focus of this paper is to discuss the most significant aspects of the National Health Service in relation to the healthcare system in the United Kingdom.


The National Health Service was formed in the United Kingdom on the basis of the National Health Service Act in the year 1946. The basic aim of the creation of this organization was to develop a national health service for the region of England and Wales through the responsibility for the National Health Service in Wales was passed to the Secretary of State for Wales in the year 1969.

History of the Healthcare System of the United Kingdom before and after NHS

It is observed that the National Health Service was formed in the year 1948 and before the creation of this organization; the patients were required to pay for the provision of healthcare. In some instances, free treatment was provided to the patients from charity hospitals and charity hospitals. It was further allowed to the London County Council by the Local Government Act 1929 for running the services over those authorized by the Poor Law and makes the provision of medical treatment common for everyone. On the other hand, it is observed that a number of changes occurred in the healthcare system of the United Kingdom. After the formation of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, 14 Regional Hospital Boards were formed in the United Kingdom for administering the ...
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