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CMS: Healthcare reform powers fraud prevention


The introduction of the Affordable Care Act has been in itself a very powerful and innovative step by the government. The reason behind this is that after the provision of this Act, the public has received extensive help with regards to healthcare provision and the way in which the government contributes to the overall healthcare with regards to paying back the contribution of the people in the governmental funding etcetera.

However, there are certain people who believe in fraudulently looting the funds of the Affordable Care and using it in inappropriate and illegal manners. This news article provides information with regards to how the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have been working to develop a method of bringing about an end to the fraudulent activities taking place with regards to the Affordable Care Act. The article begins with the provision of a fact regarding how the current presidential administration has recovered a huge sum of money which was fraudulently taken away from the public and government.

As the article progresses, information has been provided with regards to how the CMS has made many fraudulent suppliers of the Medicare and Medicaid program to leave their membership because of indulgence in fraud etcetera. Apart from this, a number of steps are being taken to ensure that the funding of the government moves in the right direction and the right people get the amount that they deserve. Caramenico (2013) mentions that in order to prevent such mishaps regarding fraud taking place on a regular basis; the government is also putting forward methods of identification with regards to billing etcetera for providing public with the view of where, why and when is their membership being used.

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