Newsday/ Internet

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Newsday/ Internet

Newsday/ Internet


Ever since the first radio broadcast hit the airwaves people have been predicting the demise of the traditional print newspaper. This fact is even more ascertained in today's highly technological time. The invention and then commercialization of television sets was also a another major step in putting another nail in the coffin of print journalism. Now the pundits of the digital media age are also doing the same thing. According to their prediction the trend of online news will soon wipe out and replace the traditional printed newspaper any minute now. But predictions come and go and the printed newspapers have still managed to survive but for how long? Printed newspaper circulation has been declining considerably as now people can flexibly and easily access the news online. Some of the very famous newspapers have even started taking a subscription fee from their readers who access their content online and mostly it is equal to what the readers would pay for a printed newspaper. The main reason cited for charging a subscription fee for both printed and online content is that it makes sure that the advertising revenue keeps coming in from the printed newspaper and also helps in building a following for the online newspaper.


Digital and online news consumption continues to increase and is predicted to rise even further. Newsday, an American daily newspaper, is no exception to that. More and more people now can access their news on their tablets, cell phones and other mobile platforms. And another popular mean to obtain the news online is through the social networking sites. The percentage of Americans that use social networking sites to view the news or the news headlines have increased from nine percent to nineteen percent since 2010. These new technological advancements in the journalism industry have ...