New York Trade Center

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9/11 and the New York Trade Center

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Military Role2

The War on Terrorism2

Homeland Security3

FBI (Federal Investigation Bureau)5


9/11 and the New York Trade Center


The date September 11, 2001 is the grievance day of in the history of United Sates. This date is famous as 9/11. Few members of Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked passenger planes in the United States. Two of the four planes were purposely crashed into the twin tower in New York, United States. The third plane was near Pentagon, near Washington D.C, but failed to crash into it, and the fourth plane crashed into a field in western Pennsylvania. The attack killed around 3000 innocent people, and at least 3000 children left with one parent. They targeted the U.S. military and economy. The Pentagon near Washington D.C is the military leadership house, and World Trade Center was the economy hub of United Sates both of the places where they targeted was significant for United States. The nation was in mourning and under siege.



The attack was not a one night plan it took years to plan this event and execute it successfully. This plan cost between $400,000 to 500,000 that were provided by Al-Qaeda. The idea was generated by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who was a jihadist and born in Kuwait. He had planned and executed many Jihad activities in other parts of world (Bergen, 2007). The 9/11 was the second attack on World Trade Center it was bombed in 1993, in which 6 people killed and several other injured. The 15 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arab who hated United Sates. Their training was conducted in Afghanistan (Kleinfield, 2001).

The hijackers got handsome amount of money for getting training for attacks. On the morning of September 11 flight, 175 and 11 departed from Boston. The hijackers were in these two planes, and had a little conversation between them. Soon after the cruising altitude the hijacker stuck in the plane. The hijacker used the knife and box cutter to control over. They reached the cockpit and controlled the plane. The hijackers took the plane to New York City pointing towards World Trade Center at 8:48 am. Flight 11 crashed into 110 stories Tower and at 9:06am Flight 175 crashed into south order (Griffith, 2001). The tower initially stood after the crash only those floors destructed those was hit by the plane, but the fuel in jet set fire in the towers. Smoke and fire had killed many people before the tower demolished. Many people jumped out to save their life, but because of the height they did not survive. The rescue workers who went to safe people were also died while saving people.

Military Role

After the sorrow movement of World Trade Center, it was the question on U.S military and homeland security. The planes crashes were extraordinarily deadly and unbearable. It killed dozens of people and set trauma for many people. The nation was angry and blamed the U.S. military for the ...
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