This term paper explores the topic of Terrorism, particularly in New York. This has become a serious concern after the 9/11 air plane attacks on 4 major places in United States. The major
attack among the four was the World trade Centre in New York which devastated the whole world. This paper focuses on the Terrorism law in New York State to protect the local people. It examines the main sections of the Terrorism law that that have been imposed in the New York State.
Table of Content
S490.01 Liability Protection2
S490.05 Definitions2
S490.10 Soliciting support for a terrorism act in the second degree3
S490.15 Soliciting support for terrorism act in the first degree3
S490.20 Terrorist threat3
S490.25 terrorism Crime3
S490.30 prosecution of terrorism hindered in the second degree4
S490.35 prosecution of terrorism hindered in the first degree4
S490.37 Criminal Possessing a biological weapon or chemical weapon in the third degree4
S490.55 Criminal using a biological weapon or chemical weapon in the first degree5
New York Terrorism
In recent times, terrorism has gained a lot of attention and has become a global issue. All the leading countries, throughout the world are working to combat this problem. In the past, the most devastating evidence of US terrorism attacks was September 11 attacks, which is commonly called as 9/11. It was a series of suicidal attacks where four commercial air planes got hi-jack by the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Two of the planes got deliberately crash in to the World Trade Centre twin towers, killing all the passengers, as well as all the people working in those buildings. The twin towers got collapse within 2 hours of the crash. The attacks also damaged other buildings located nearby, and while other two planes got crash in to Pentagon in Washington and Pennsylvania. Approximately 3000 people and 19 hijackers got kill in the attacks. The New York state bared the loss that could not be covered. However, the state of New York took necessary measures to combat the issue of terrorism in the future and formulated Terrorism laws (Sorkin and Zukin, 2002).
(New York State Law) Article 490 was formulated to combat the terrorism activities within the boundaries of the New York state. It formed after the compelling need was felt for combating the evils of terrorism. There were numerous barbaric attacks, such as World trade centre, pentagon, blast in the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, Federal building in Oklahoma and several other terrorism incidents.
There are several laws at the federal level to combat the issues of terrorism but there no laws at the state level for severe punishment and prosecution of the terrorists in the state courts. Surprisingly, there is no such law in this state for those who provide material and resource to, raises funds for those who carry out the terrorist activities. However, a comprehensive state law is needed urgently to be complemented in with the laws at the federal level to fight against terrorism.
S490.01 Liability Protection
The first section of 490 is about the liability ...