New York - Miami

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New York - Miami

New York is a state in North-eastern district of the United States. It is the nation's third populous state. New York is bordered by Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east. The state a maritime boundary with Rhode isle east of Long isle, as well as an worldwide boundary with Canadian provinces of Ontario to west and north  , and Quebec to north.

New York City, the most populous village in the United States, is renowned for its grade as a financial, heritage, transport, and assembling center, and for its annals as a entry for immigration to the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, it is more over a location journeyed to of alternate for many foreign visitors. Both state and village were deserving for the 17th 100 years Duke of York, James Stuart, future James II and VII of England and Scotland. In 2005, the Miami locality seen its biggest real estate rise since the 1920s. Midtown, having overa century accepted building tasks, is an demonstration of Manhattanization. As of 2007, although, the lodgings market has smashed into and more than 23 thousand condos are for sale and foreclosed. The Miami locality ranks 8th in the territory in foreclosure

New York was inhabited by the Algonquin, Iroquois, and Lenape Native American assemblies at the time Dutch settlers moved into the locality in the early 17th century. In 1609, the locality was first claimed by Henry Hudson for the Dutch. Fort Nassau was assembled adjacent the position of the present-day capital of Albany in 1614. The Dutch soon more over settled New Amsterdam and constituents of the Hudson River Valley, setting up the colony of New Netherland.

The boundaries of the British colony, the Province of New York, were roughly alike to ...
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