New Supervisor Case Study

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New supervisor case study

New Supervisor Case study


Management of the Stevenson Company hired George as the new department supervisor of its transportation department three months after the resignation of original supervisor. The next section of this report would provide brief explanation of the issues encountered by George, facts affecting the present issues, and probable solution of the underlying issues.


Issues faced by George

Soon after resuming duties of transport department supervisor for the Stevenson Company the newly hired manager found out that department is facing severe internal problems that has negatively affected the performance of most important department of the organization. Some of the major issues that George came across with after joining the organization are briefly explained as follows

George found out the overall operations of the department were poorly management, for instance there was no supervisor for three months, place of secretary who is responsible for managing the records of department was also vacant, inadequate policy of managing the workload, and other managerial issues (Becker & Huselid, 2006). Secondly, he found out that the confidence level of employees in last three months has reach its lowest point and as result employees are not concentrating on their task, taking uninformed leaves, becoming sick and others. Moving forward, he also found out that employee's discrimination practices are normal in the department particularly with new or part time employees that is again affecting the performance of the organization (Garvin, 2012). Transport department is also facing certain legal issue that was raised one week prior to George appointment, and finally there is no proper management of the employee records. Because of above described issues the department is violating some of basic business principles that are listed as follows.

understanding of what organization actually wants from its employees

development of framework for the management of business operations

Management of organizational ...
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