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illegal trawlers. The local fishermen are now starving(Barrington, 2006). Nuclear waste dumping Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy for Somalia confirmed to Al Jazeera the world body has "reliable information" that European and Asian compan...
maritime terrorism5 Definitions5 Chapter 2: Literature Review9 Geographical distribution and development9 Weapons14 The international legal instruments15 UNCLOS16 The SUA 1988 and the SUA protocols 200520 Navigation23 Cargo Safety24 The PSI...
mine action sectors experience demonstrating that operations can succeed during insurgency war. Contributing practical lessons, this study serves as guidance for humanitarian assistance practitioners under insurgency war conditions. Abstrac...
For a long time Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State or Ogaden has been a theatre of violent confrontation between the Somalis living there and the Ethiopian authorities. Through history such conflicts have been launched under different pretex...
Today the world is composed of nearly one hundred ninety-two nations. It is unfortunate that many of these nations are plagued with conflict, some with each other, others within themselves, and then there are those nations that have both i...
Somalia would be there only as long as it took to get relief supplies flowing to starving Somalis. The Secretary General had a more ambitious mission in mind. He wanted the U.S., as one senior Bush aide recalls, "to stick around until the U...
somatic psychotherapy. I have been asked to choose a topic of my choice, though I have chosen this topic, because it is of very interest to me. Headache, alterations in respiring patterns, or sinew tension- all these indications are really ...