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Children’s services for profit began in England in 1562, and was soon imported into the American colonies. Foster Care is defined as temporary shelters for children removed from their homes for various reasons including abuse, neglect, adop...
Looked-After Children Introduction Looked-after children (LAC) take advantage of extending protected attachments with their caregivers and involvements are supposed to maintain the expansion of these, whether children are looked after beyon...
childhood educator, this knowledge is reflected in practical guidelines for early childhood curriculum (Roopnarine, 2008). The National Association for the Education of Young Children (1996) identifies classroom peer play as a central focus...
care is defined as 24-hour substitute care for children outside of their own homes. It is generally conceived of as a time-limited living arrangement in which a child whose family is unable to maintain a sufficient child-rearing environmen...
attachment theory in humans is brought by Bowlby. He described the behavior of the system (attachment behaviors), through which the child establishes and reinforces the unique and intimate relationship between him and the environment in whi...
attachment relationship with at least one person who takes care of him in a consistent and continuous basis. Attachment theory is now one of the most popular trends in American and European psychology. Born in the depths of depth psychology...
types where three are organized and one is disorganized. The organized types are secure, avoidant and resistant. The type where the attachment lies depends on how and when the caregiver replies to the queries of the infant. With six months ...