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intellectual disabilities; these programs can e of mil, moderate or profound academic style. Every program has different length of time and different exercise through which students which are intellectually disabled are identified in order ...
customer service is not only the most important factor for achieving the paramount marketing outcome, namely customer satisfaction, but it is the principal criterion for measuring the competitiveness of the customer service process. At the ...
Domestic violence generally is connoted with physical harm and hurt, but generally, when in a relationship setting, even emotional and psychological abuse also comes under the head of domestic violence. Domestic Violence and its forms Gener...
Director's Responsibilities Specific to Australia Queensland Introduction It is easy to be a director but a director, who is responsible, is not something to easily be. Looking for too much perfection can mean that a task can become a disas...
evidences in the sexual offence cases. Sexual offence cases are difficult to treat because it is hard to prove sexual offence conducted. Moreover, the evidences that refer to the victim’s or defendant’s past incidences of sexual offence are...
case of Polkinghorne v Holland (1934) 51 CLR 143 ruled the case of a partnership. Mrs. Polkinghorne was a solicitors firm’s client that has three partners. One of the partner named Harold Holland had advice Mrs. Polkinghorne regarding inves...
the transition of people from children to adult mental healthcare services. The study is based on the review of secondary sources. The methodology adopted for this research is qualitative research methodology. The research has been concentr...