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financial advisers and to request financial advice. The shoppers were also asked to complete comprehensive questionnaires prepared by Consumer AUS. The shoppers approached institutions, Australia-wide financial planning chains and standalon...
economics links price of the product to demand for that product. Accordingly, increases in monetary price of alcohol (i.e., through tax increases) would be expected to lower alcohol consumption and its adverse consequences. Studies investig...
Australian Government to prevent and control diabetes in the populace. Discussion Approximately 275 people in Australia are affected by ‘type 2’ diabetes each year, and it is predicted that ‘type 2’ diabetes will develop into the top most r...
(1765) whose starting point was the principle of paternal authority. According to Blackstone, paternal authority was tied to the three paternal obligations of maintenance, protection and education of the father's children. The second view...
labor asupply awith aregards ato athe awage arate aplays aa asignificant arole ain amuch aeconomic apolicy aanalysis. aFor aexample, aits avalue adetermines ato aa alarge aextent athe aemployment aimpact aof areforms ain aredistributive ata...
with the Furies. Apollo believed that Marriage is more momentous than having relations based on kinship because married love between man and woman is bigger than oaths, guarded by right/of nature. Marriage of man and wife is Fate itself, 2...
international afinancial ainstitutions ato aassist aHaiti's arecovery aand adevelopment. aHaiti's ainfrastructure aremains acrippled aand ano asignificant amoney aby athe abig apowers ahas abeen aput ainto abuilding aroads, amarkets, ahealt...