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enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself...
theoretical constructs and approaches in the study of world politics to the analysis issues, processes, and events in the Middle East. In pursuing their ideological and economic agenda in the Middle East the Western powers have undermined t...
enemy of my enemy”. In this chapter the authors have discussed about the “Christian identity” and pursued it further with the discussion on religions and different nations such as “Aryan nation”. The title of the chapter “enemy of my enemy”...
world. Doping is the wrong ways of being active in the field of sports by illegal means. Many players around the world take drugs that affect their performance in a positive way. The side effects of these kinds of drugs are many too. The ov...
Summary3 Methodology5 Sample6 Sampling Method6 Literature Search6 Literature Review7 Conclusion9 References11 “Could Anti-Trust Replace Anti-Dumping Laws” Summary The political and economic environment of international trade significantly ...
Anti-Hypertensive drugs. These drugs are prescribed by physicians, which help in controlling blood pressure. Anti-Hypertensive agents help in reducing the blood pressure and bringing back the level of pressure to normal state. As high blood...
pricing approach for the main exotic options. Given the strong assumptions of the Black-Scholes world, we attempt to relax them and, in particular, we focus on stochastic volatility models. After a review of the literature, we analyze via s...