New Laws

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New Laws

New Laws


If there were no laws and regulations in this world, and especially in a country like America, then this place would not be less than a barbaric arena. However, since the primitive times the world has moved forward in a significant manner, with respect to the development and formulation of numerous laws that paved a sound guide way for the inhabitants, to follow, in order to live a decent and offense free life.

New laws

Ever since the inception of America, the nation has witnessed numerous new laws and amendment, catering to different issues and categories, which would devise new paths for the inhabitants to follow. Similarly, the year 2012 doe not hold any surprises for Americans, as even in this year, the state has eloquently articulated thousands of new major and minor laws, which are/ were believed to be put in effect by the start of this year. The laws that have been guaranteed to put into effect pertain to numerous various categories, and a few of these laws have been made applicable, hoping to bring down not only the ever perplexing and increasing crime rate in America, but also guiding the law enforcing agencies and the respective investigatory personnel regarding perusing their operations.

The newly introduced laws pertain to the abortion laws, alcohol usage, gays and lesbians, laws regarding acquisition of jobs, traffic, cell phone usage while driving, immigration laws, laws regarding sports regulations, carrying weapons openly in public places, and many other crime related laws (Whitfield, 2011).

Changes They Have Brought Over Time

It is rather too soon to openly declare, if the new laws that have been applied either have been successful in bringing a significant change or not. However, over time a few researches conducted have signalled a positive effect of few of those new laws, ...
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