New Forms Of Writing With Technology: Wikis, Blogs, Tweets, Texts

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New forms of writing with technology: wikis, blogs, tweets, texts


Nowadays, it is most commonly assumed that “many academy students have become digital inhabitants who are expert in steering several technological panoramas, and also feel that technology is innately attractive and inspiring” (Au, S. Y., 1988). This matter of fact surely has allegations for high level education. A swift increase in the utility of Web-based 'collaboration ware' has been witnessed in past few years. Wikis, podcasts, blogs and other Web 2.0 applications have been progressively espoused by numerous online academic and professional services. They are easy to use and deploy, hence they provide the opportunity to share powerful information with convenient collaboration.

Students and Web 2.0

Internet technology has resulted in an enhanced access to several modes of media all over the world. The current propagation of Web 2.0 tools has added to the improvement of internet access by enabling merely anyone to be connected to the online world. The term Web 2.0 fundamentally refers to some latest web technologies that enable anybody to append or alter content online at any time.


Blogs are very much analogous to journals or diary entries in terms of format. For instance, if a teacher asks their students to maintain a scholastic journal, blogs then act as a means to record opinions and impersonations on a specific topic. Usually blogs are free and simple to create and can be created by any student or teacher having no knowledge of related technology.

Blogs can have a number of academic as well as social advantages for students with poor abilities of learning. But they also allow students who struggle with concentration or aural processing to evaluate class information several times.


A wiki is an online software tool which enables multiple consumers to pool resources and create web content, especially meant for reference ...
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