New Executive Order And Immigrant Voting

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New executive order and immigrant voting

New executive order and immigrant voting1



New executive order and immigrant voting3


The changing demographics of the world3

The immigrants in the United States4

Voting rights to US immigrants4

Immigration Patterns and Policies5


Types of immigrants in the United States6

Legal Immigrants7

Illegal Immigrants7

The Overall Impact of Illegal Immigration on the US Economy Is Small7

One Person, One Vote9

Social movements10

Class dynamics10


Wars; a tool to enhance the voting11

Consequences from the past11

The new executive order12

Immigrant voting13

No revision of the order14

Capturing the votes14

Increasing the voter turnout14

A dictatorhip14

The 'Democracy for all' facet15

Democracy for all and the new executive order16



New executive order and immigrant voting


The changing demographics of the world

The world is undergoing through serious and colossal changes in demographics due to immigration. Due to such changes has to alter several facets of its management and how it operates. Immigration is the most significant factor in changing the demographics of the world throughout the course of history. With the advent of globalization, the alteration in demographic data has also escalated up to a major extent.

Immigration is defined as “the act where an individual moves to settle in a foreign country on a permanent basis”. It is about leaving one's own country and entering another country to settle down. People who immigrate are known as 'immigrants'. Immigrants later in; become the members of that country. They have rights and responsibilities, just as the regular nationals of the country. Consequently, they play a role in all the administrative and economic domains of that country.

However, the state is responsible to provide the immigrants with all the facilities and look after their quality of living. It is very important for them to recognize the contribution of these people, as well as, be accountable for their responsibilities. Just as an immigrant has to play a role in enhancing the strength of the country, the country has to be very particular how they pay back the immigrants. They have to designate different systems for immigrants that include the economy, sociological rights, as well as, the political and legal rights (Shuvalov, 2011).

As a result, countries have to align their resources for immigrants, just as they did for their own citizens. There are different policies and procedures for them to make things work for people who immigrate. Usually people immigrate to achieve a better quality of living, that is, from the less developed country to a more developed country.

The immigrants in the United States

The United States is the super power. Ever since the post-colonial era, the country emerged as the leading economic power upon the globe. The country excelled at everything that made it worth living. As a result, immigrants moved to the United States in a colossal number, and the country had to formulate new laws and policies. The country had to classify whether the people who immigrate would be allotted to all rights, or certain rights.

Voting rights to US immigrants

In a democracy like the United States, it is very essential for the people to have the rights to elect ...