New Contemporary Hotel

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New Contemporary Hotel

New Contemporary Hotel


Adding value to goods and services through customer connection management can lead to a comparable benefit in the market, provided, an organization has performed this scheme properly. Customer relationship trading is a phenomenon that is not just a worth added scheme it is necessary. Consider these statistics: persuaded customers tell four persons; dispersuaded customers notify nine persons; and delighted customers notify eighteen persons (Clapham 2002). To embark on the most positive repsonse from a consumer it is necessary to utilize full promise of the employees of an organization to make certain that a customer is more than satisfied.


Customer Relationship Marketing

How can we do this? What exactly does customer relationship management (CRM) entail? CRM, according to Payne and Frow, has three different perspectives. It can be viewed narrowly and tactically, wide-ranging technology, and customer centric (Frow 2005). According to this article CRM can mean the new implementation of technology, customer-oriented technology solutions, and a way to increase shareholder value. Customer relationship management can go in all three of these directions (Vavra, 1997). It is important to recognize who is actually building the relationships with a customer. An organization has employees that are trained to sell a product or service. Companies do not foster and maintain customer relationships- their people do (Crosby 2002). A company hires employees that they feel can create and maintain relationships with the customer. It is purely up to the employees to create and maintain the customer. It is the dedication and respect they have to the organization and customer that will drive the relationships into long term partnerships (Simons, 2000). It is simpler for a customer to be able to contact one or two people for any questions or concerns they may have. It is a burden for a customer to get transferred from person to person to answer questions or solve problems (Schultz, 2001).

Knowing the Customer

When adding value to the customer a business can also be adding trust and respect. These two attributes may lead to a lasting relationship with a customer, creating a competitive advantage and maximizing profitability. It is important to know and understand what a customer needs and wants. In the retention process a customer may come to trust an organization with the recommendations of new products and services. It is often true that a sales pitch may not be done as extensively as a new client would expect. Knowing and understanding what your customers truly need will build that trusting relationship. Part of this involves understanding customer experiences that meet or exceed those expectations (Crosby 2002).

Technological Advances in CRSM

Customer relationship management has had a new turn with technology. Some view CRM as having a call center for support, but in fact it is much more than that. Customer relationship management is not solely calling to make sure the product or service offered was delivered correctly. It is not being there from just nine to five, but being available whenever a customer needs to ...
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