Nevada History

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Nevada History

Nevada History

Nevada History

My job forced me to travel to Nevada, where I was able to find a treasure in the archaeological evidence. This possibility and fate took me along to a place called hidden cave. Hidden Cave is now Director-arid central Nevada Carson Desert. From about 21,000 years Gouged by the waves of the lake rises Pleistocene Lahontan cave is hidden beneath the surface of cemented gravel sealed the Stillwater Range. The cave floor was alternatively flooded and exposed to up shortly after 10,000 BC In a relatively short intervals since then lived Indians hidden cave, leaving behind a well-stratified and well-preserved records of their presence. Natural and cultural deposits continue to accumulate on the inside, to the entrance of the cave was practically sealed by an alluvial fan (Heizer, 1970).

The dust and the darkness created inside hidden cave abysmal working conditions for the archaic people and archaeologists alike. Because no one could have actually lived in the cave, it seems clear that the rich have been artifact assemblage Buried Inside have deliberately gone, temporarily stored carefully for the future and not disposed of as waste. Hidden Cave provides important, if evidence of unusual desert life archaic ways.

I found these "hidden cave" to be filled with deep layered deposits, mostly at sea sediments and slope wash. Ancient artifacts of all kinds, including basketry, dart shafts with polished stone points, carved wooden implements, and well-preserved leather fragments stuck everywhere. The archaeological potential was obvious. I was very happy to see my dream come to reality. It was a bitter experience to work in the pitch-black cave. I lit the place with carbide lights and tried breathing through a variety of masks and bandanas moistened. But nothing bested the choking dust and darkness.

As I touched one of those things that I return when the cave was built and it was transported for use. I found myself in the year 2000 BC. By this time I began my journey towards the present. My first observation phase ended around AD first this was the time when Cave was majorly used by humans. After interacting people, I could see that I can see them, but I was invisible to them. At that time in the history of the entrance to the Hidden Cave was a narrow tunnel; little light came through the central niche. Who crawls the 15 meters in the cave is engulfed ...
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