Neuroticism And Schizophrenia

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Neuroticism and Schizophrenia

Neuroticism and Schizophrenia


Neuroticism is a personality trait characterized by emotional instability, anxiety, low self-esteem and a high sense of guilt, sometimes autonomic disorders. Neuroticism is a tendency to negative experiences, inadequate situation and do not have an adaptive nature. Person feels peace of discomfort with the external welfare. In neurotic disorders, there is a simple change in the personality that remains coherent while there are psychotic disorders in the habits and traditions, different behavior leads to a radical change in personality, which has deteriorated in most cases of chronic. The neurotic personality is characterized by the expression of an intense conflict internally.

Elevated levels of neuroticism are characterized by constant inappropriate anxiety. For instance, fear of public transportation in the ordinary situation. Person tends to have exaggerated feelings about their appearance, sexual usefulness, faithful husband or wife. Excessive anxiety is due to possible problems with money. Excessive demands on us and others about their experiences and their imperfections or it can be about illness (Robinson, 2006).

The man begins to be in constant anxiety and feel unwell, in anxiety and in the experiences, even in a completely safe situation. Anxiety rises in the center of life, which is marked by a deep frustration at failing to be existentially. As the individual fails to reach an inner balance and personal acceptance and contact with the other, must be inadequate. It can be painfully vulnerable, chronically anxious or painful competitive in dealing with people. Life becomes a series of uncomfortable situations in the apparent external well-being. Poor man himself, heavy with him and the people around him.

Neurotic depression characterized by a disproportionate, usually following a painful experience recognized, no delusions or hallucinations, but the concerns are often focused on the psychological trauma that preceded the disease, for example, the loss of a loved one or property.

Although the distinction between neurosis and psychosis is difficult and gives rise to controversy, it has been maintained because of habits. The neurotic disorders are mental disorders without any demonstrable organic basis vis-à-vis which the patient can keep a perfect lucidity, which are not accompanied by any impairment in reality and in which usually only confuses the issue not their subjective experiences and fantasies with external reality morbid. The behavior can be very disturbed while remaining generally socially acceptable limits, but personality is not disorganized. The main events are excessive anxiety, hysterical symptoms, phobias, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, depression (Jentsch, 1998).

Depersonalization syndrome is neurotic disorders characterized by an unpleasant state of disturbed perception, in which the subject feels external objects or parts of her body as changed in their quality, unreal, remote or automated. However, it is aware of the subjective nature of the change he feels. Depersonalization may occur as a symptom of various mental disorders, including depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and schizophrenia, in which case, the state will not be classified in this category, but in the main category corresponding.


Schizophrenia is a psychiatric diagnosis in people with a group of mental disorders, chronic and severe, characterized ...