Networking Of Governance In The Public Sector

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Networking of Governance in the Public Sector

Networking of Governance in the Public Sector


Unlocking the power of networks (2009), by Goldsmith and Kettl, discusses the implementation of governance model in public and private sector. The concept of administration system gives an innovative and diversified appearance with the application of networking. According to Stephen Goldsmith, introducing a networking system in both public and private sectors will make it easy to orchestrate the systems and achieve competent and proficient results. This model of governance, based on private and public networking, may look complex, but its diversity to comply with different frame of thoughts and decision makers makes it outstanding. The authors believe with more recruitment in public and private sectors, under the umbrella of networking, more effective results could be achieved on a larger scale. Regardless of the scholars emphasis on the advantages this system, it is still not adapted globally. An unbiased system has to be introduced before the implementation of networking in the executive sectors.


The model of governance networking is a method to encourage cooperation between the actors in charge and achieve public policy goals. Public goals can be achieved through initiating governance network by the executive body.

“Governance networks are democratically anchored to the extent that they are properly linked to different political constituencies and to a relevant set of democratic norms that are part of the democratic ethos of society” (Sorensen & Torfing 2005, p.201).

The network governance depends on honesty, integrity and accountability within a system. These are the major principles of governance in the public sector. This network based model, in the public sector, enjoys a two-way working relationship between the executives working under it. The goals are collective so to accomplish complex tasks where old hierarchy system of governance fails (Goldsmith & Eggers, 2004). This shows that the governance based on the networking model has greatly been encouraged by the scholars of present time. Government department following structured and cooperative networking background will always yield a productive outcome, irrespective of the interest they carry; formal or informal. Governance network comprises of complex interaction and decision making, because of various strategies of interconnected actors of the sector results in ambiguous and uncertain results (Klijn, 2010).

Feasibility, Challenges and Benefits

Networking form of governance is flexible gaining advantage over the other hierarchies. The adoption of governance network depends on trust, number of entities working, goal consensus and nature of task and coordination ...
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