Non physical protection of the routers and switches10
Physical protection of the network11
STAGE 3- Hardware and Protocols11
Network Interface Card:12
Network Switches:12
3) Hostname15
4) Configuring router15
5) Description for Broadway Network.16
6) Password:16
7) Banner18
8) Clock rate19
Configuration Examples19
Syntax Description19
9) Serial IP address20
11) Description Link to mons21
12) IP Route21
13) IP host22
14) Ping22
15) Telnet to castle23
16) Telnet to mons23
Stage 5- Security configurations24
18) Telnet permitted to Castle25
19) Telnet denied to castle25
Stage 6: Trouble shooting26
The intention of this project is to understand network environment and how to configure the network. As a networking technician who works for Dudley College of Technology I am required to connect the network between Dudley College of Technology 'Broadway' campus as the 'main site' which is connected to two satellite sites which are Mons Hill and Castle View. I will configure this network starting with their IP address range plan that will be suitable for both three satellite site and router configuration which will involve non physical security.
The network setup covers the following stages.
The stages are:
1 Basic planning
2 Security planning
3 Hardware and Protocols
4 Basic configurations
5 Security configurations
6 Troubleshooting
In all these stages, important aspects are well explained and some evidences were taken down. Also, it shows which IP addresses were used and why the required one was not sufficient for such project.
Basically, a plan on how a LAN can be secured physically and by the use of access lists is explained and some important screen shots were taken as the evidence. All other necessary router configurations are listed and were physically done in class.
Lastly to be done is Network troubleshooting, whereby faults are allocated and being repaired. A list of those faults and their solution is included in this report.
Stage 1 - Basic Planning
The Network manager has given me the IP address of This address has to be sub-netted between the 3 sites and the 2 links between the routers. A maximum number of devices requiring IP address are 600. It's regard as the last octet
IP Address :
Address Class : C
Subnet Mask :
Subnet bit mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.11000000
Possible Number of Subnets: 1
Hosts per Subnet: 254
Host Address range:
Size: 254
Host Range: to192.168.0.254
The above calculation shows that we are getting more number of hosts per subnet unfortunately they are not enough to compare with the number of the device required. Moreover, the number of subnets which is 1 is not enough for the given sites.
The number of hosts per subnet is still not enough even though the IP address is sub-netted for suitable number of sites and links required. Consider these calculations;
Subnet mask:
Possible number of Subnets: 8
Hosts per subnet: 30
STAGE 2 Local area Network securities
Network security is the serious matter. A network allow users to share information and resources, but it also let computer viruses, human intruders, or even disgruntled employees do far more damage than ...