Netflix Integrative Case

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Netflix Integrative Case

Netflix Integrative Case


Netflix is an online organization that works effectively. In the software industry it provides online rental services. There are various software product and services. It includes DVD and different software products. In the beginning they have faced disappointment and after that they had gained popularity among consumers. It was identified that the innovative ideas had captured customer's attention as they had developed a company website that is effective against the millions of subscribers. This company was established when there were few outlets of the rental company in America. They gave the long product delivery time. It was identified that the Netflix became the market enterprise company and it became a giant blockbuster.

Netflix should continuously adapt to changing technological dynamism and new market opportunities in reaching various markets. Netflix's management should hire experts on cross culture management to ensure a cross culture component is incorporated in its pursuits. This could be the case since newer opportunities lie outside Netflix's current market that is characterized by a fairly uniform culture.

In addition to that, the firm should incorporate user friendly software products that are cross platform and compatible with other software products to enhance usability. To maintain a large market share, the company should always incorporate faire business practices in its pursuits. In addition to that, Netflix should endeavor to develop software that can bar piracies on its products in addition to patenting its products. The company should invest in software technologies that bar any could be illegal downloading of files or unauthorized access or copying of its products. That could bar illegal usage of its video products since it denies the company legitimate profits that could accrue from those sales. The company should continuously evaluate the role played by information technology in propelling it to its position, the ever changing trends in the industry I terms of provision of services and other related services. It should continuously revise its plans to make them current and relevant to the identified changes and endeavor to incorporate new technologies in its pursuits.


Individual Behaviors

The Netflix case had identified some strategies that helped them to run their business. They have identified individual behaviors as to cater consumer needs. According to them every individual is different from one another and there are needs of each and every individual that is to be catered in the present scenario. They have developed a single product that need to be focus on current strategy. They focus on the customers and the y provides the light weight DVD to their customers so that is an unethical point towards this corporate but they had done this for the continence of the customers. It was identified that customer is the main source of building the brand. As noted that they had build customer retention by providing low quality brand in the market as to identify the need and demands of the customers. While moving towards the online movies they provide their customer online movies as to capture the audience ...
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