Nervous System

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Nervous System

Nervous System


The nervous system consist many nerve cells and these nerve cells are activated on different stimuli. The neurons consist of a nucleus and the dendrites and axons and they help in the conduction of impulses. The nervous system is divided into two parts peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system has the sensory neurons that transport signals to the CNS and the motor neurons transport signals from the CNS to the other parts of the body (


Anatomy of the nervous system

The nervous system consists of different cells that are neurons, Oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and ependymal.


The specialized cells that receive the information from the different stimulus and transport it to the CNS are called as neurons. They are able to receive the information via different cell extensions that are called as the dendrites. The information is further sent from the axons and the communication bridge is maintained between the dendrite of one neuron to the axon of the other (


They are another type of specialized calls and consist of round nucleus. The Oligodendrocytes do not have the processes and are located in the white matter of the brain. They help in speeding up the action potentials via axons in the substance that is called as myelin. Myelin sheath is the long thin extension of Oligodendrocytes that is wrapped around an axon (


As the neurons help in the transfer of signals to the brain and back from the brain, they are surrounded by several cells called as neuroglia. The neuroglia contains many astrocytes and the astrocytes have numerous cell bodies. These cells are present around the blood vessels in the brain and the spinal cord. They provide the basic support to the nervous system and also play an essential role in the development ...
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