Neonatal Nursing

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Effectiveness of High Flow Trial in Preterm Babies

Literature Review


Research Design

The research design chosen for this study is based on the secondary data collection with considering the qualitative research design for the study. The qualitative method of research chosen for the research is based on the multi-methods that are based on the naturalistic and interpretive in their nature, as stated by the researchers.

Data Collection and Analysis

Literature search was undertaken using electronic databases as a way to identify relevant published articles for inclusion in the review. As perceived by Younger (2004) computer databases offer access to enormous quantities of information. Subsequently, this information can be retrieved effortlessly and quickly than using a manual search. As a final point, the university library catalogue was utilized to identify appropriate books to support the literature review and guidelines regarding the literature review process.

Data analysis is to organize, provide structure and elicit meaning from the research data. Whilst there are several critiquing tools available to critically review the literature and analyse the rigour of studies. It is of significance to note that there has been a debate regarding the use of the critiquing tools; which have to be reflected when considering quality issues.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion and exclusion criteria enabled the author to identify the literature that addresses the topic in question and that which does not. Certainly, the author had to ensure not to get unfocused with data that are not strictly pertinent to the review in question.The author anticipated at obtaining and using British-based articles as the review focuses mainly on the effectiveness of HFNC. However, some researches from other countries that have the same problem were included as there was not enough from within the UK. The author reviewed both primary research articles as well as secondary research articles relating to the topic in question and written in English. Peer reviewed research articles are those articles that have gone through extensive verification by peers as well as constructive criticism to guarantee quality of the research.

The author excluded articles that were more than fifteen years old, those that were not relevant to the topic in question, as well as those that were not written in English. Though, few researchers confirmed that valuable search is undertaken globally and that searches should not be limited to English written journals only. Undeniably, the author found it difficult to read other languages. Consequently, the author chose to restrict searches to the English written journals only.

Effectiveness of High-Flow Nasal Cannulae in Preterm Infants

There are various ways that are non-invasive in which respiratory assistance could be furnished to preterm neonates with parenchymal lung disease or apnoea. These incorporate oxygen by means of nasal cannula or a head box, nasal CPAP (continuous positive airways pressure) and NIPPV (nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation). Nasal cannulae are the means of oxygen administration or mixed air and oxygen by means of two thin, small, tapered tubes (typically less than 1 cm long) that fit just in the nostrils of infants without impeding ...