Neo-Realism & Neo-Liberalism

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Neo-Realism & Neo-Liberalism

Neo-Realism & Neo-Liberalism


This discussion will explain why the topic of Neo-Realism & Neo-Liberalism is of particular importance and situate the topic in the relevant academic literature. In the process, the discussion will put forward an analysis of the topic, supported by the relevant academic literature and engagement with other non-academic evidentiary sources.


Neo-liberalism and globalization are phenomena that appear in the world to become protagonists of the last years of the twentieth century. Globalization seeks to develop a new process into the global economy through the globalization of media and of cultural values (Cerny, 2004). Meanwhile, Neo-liberalism is a program of economic reforms intended to make some countries lag behind in the process of coupling the globalized world.

The term "neo-realism" refers to a tendency of culture in the late thirties and mid-fifties that has had its main expression in literature and cinema. The term was used for the first time in 1931 in reference Moravia's novel The indifferent, but already some other works of those years showed a tendency to a rediscovery of everyday reality and portray a style that is the most credible (Chatterjee, 2003). It was however the Second World War, the Resistance and conditions after World War II to give greater impetus to the development of neo-realism, which collects personality and works also very different, but share some general characteristics:

the idea that literature should leave room for almost chronicle representation of reality, in the belief that the facts themselves are in charge of ethical and aesthetic significance;

that is linked to this conception of literature as a "commitment" cultural and social, including in the material and moral reconstruction of the country after the war and Fascism;

ample space for the direct testimonies and autobiographical experiences, such as those of war and captivity;

a choice of language and ...
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