Nelson Mandela

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Is Nelson Mandela considered a human rights 'hero' or 'villain'?

Is Nelson Mandela considered a human rights 'hero' or 'villain'?


The main purpose of this paper is to identify that is Nelson Mandela considered human rights “hero' or 'villain'. The paper describes the arguments in favor or against the Nelson Mandela by providing a historical overview of Nelson Mandela.


There are different opinions of people regarding Nelson Mandela. Many people think that he is a hero, on the other hand there are different people considering Nelson Mandela as Villain. There is no doubt in saying that Nelson Mandela is a hero of millions of people all over the globe. Mainly the black people of South Africa consider him as their biggest hero. The people consider him as a hero because he is the main individual behind the great destruction of apartheid system. He has adopted different peaceful ways behind the demise of this system. The black liberation considers him as a living icon and they consider him as a person with exceptional qualities. Though, not only the blacks but there are many whites who regard and acknowledge his integrity (Brooman, 2001, p. 34). Different authors have written on the achievements of Nelson Mandela. These authors have written the qualities of Nelson Mandela as a very good man. According to a report presented by the prison authorities in 1981, Nelson Mandela is a well disciplined human being who has always faced the racism and has completed his cause without any doubt. This is the reason why he was very sure of his success (Worden, 2007, p. 41). One example of Nelson Mandela as the great hero is the example of his life in Robben Island. Nelson Mandela was present in Robben Island in 1964. He experienced almost 18 years of imprisonment at Robben Island. He had spent a very hard time at Robben Island. He was imprisoned in a very small cell with no bed provided. He was also compelled to do the hard labor at Robben Island. He was also not allowed to meet the visitors and only one visitor a year could have met him. Thus, it can be said that the days at Robben Island were very hard days in the life of Nelson Mandela, but he has passed these years with full dignity and charm. He used his leadership skills at the prison and became the master of his own prison. Thus, this experience has helped him in becoming a mature leader (Attridge, 1998, p. 23).

Another example is the speech made by Nelson Mandela in 1990 when he was released from the prison. Nelson Mandela has made this speech in a very humble way and thanked people and clarified his mission. In this speech he has raised the importance apartheid mission. Thus, this speech had become very helpful in the enhancement of his mission and motivating people to work for his mission of providing equal rights to black and white ...
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