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Internet as a Sales Channel

Internet as a Sales Channel


Marketing plays a vital role in any business's success, as it the process of finding out the needs and wants of the people and then satisfying them profitably. Selling strategies and negation are important factors that all always consider while designing a market strategy. Businesses always look for sales channels that allow easy accessibility and create awareness in the entire market and not just a selected group of customers (Shikhar, 1998, pp. 131). The social changes and changes in marketing trends have made internet one of the most beneficial and successful innovations, since it has drastically changed the way businesses are conducted in today's world. Internet has become a very unique and useful sales channel despite the existence of the middlemen (Hellgren et. al, 1993.pp.95).


How does your business currently utilize the internet to maximize sales?

One of the major contributions in the generation of sales revenue for any pharmaceutical company comes for the sales through internet as it makes B2B relations faster and easier. Technology has played an integral role in the success of many multinational pharmaceutical companies for example Aspen Australia, as it allowed Aspen Australia to utilize the benefits of e-detailing. The term e-detailing refers to the communication of features, risk of products and benefits over the internet. It also includes the feature of online presentation of the products. This usually makes it less time consuming for the physicians to gather information about the product they are interested in, as it saves the for the time consumed in scheduling appointments.

This sales channel has not on increased domestic sales, but has also increased global sales, since it provides an opportunity for physicians worldwide to get information about Aspen Australia's products. This has also made their product more accessible, as in the past before internet was not utilized as a source of sales channels, many physicians could not consume Aspen Australia's products due to lack of availability if information but since the introduction of internet as a sales channel, there has been a drastic change in the sales volume. They also utilize social networking sites effectively for example Aspen Australia has its own homepage on Facebook with the mail aim to create global awareness. It has also been observed that Aspen Australia is going to launch a Smartphone application, in order to increase their awareness and increase the level of accessibility.

What share of your served market has been captured by internet selling sales and how has this been achieved?

GSK has recently decided to sell the rights of its products in Australia to Aspen Pharmacare Holding ltd for a figure near to 172 million pounds. Out of this a huge proportion has been generated through the internet selling, and most of the products sold were advertised through internet o create global awareness and with internet e-dealing and e-banking the transaction became less time consuming and very effective. Recently Aspen Australia announced that they would facilitate the Australian market by offering them a ...
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