Needs And Wants Of Consumers & Organic Food Product

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Needs and Wants of Consumers & Organic Food Product

Needs and Wants of Consumers & Organic Food Product


The organic farming is experiencing a high demand these days. The customers are becoming more health conscious and aware of health related problems. However, this shift has created a gap in the market between the demand and supply of the organic food products (Halweil, 2006). The organic food products are relatively expensive for an average household to afford due to its underlying hidden costs. Therefore, this gap must be bridged by the grocery retail marketers in order to cater the consumers effectively.

Traditionally grown crops are sprayed with significant amounts of pesticides, herbicides, and numerous kinds of chemical fertilizers. Most of health problems of these days, like obesity, are due to the inorganic food. The inorganic food contains many harmful substances like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other chemicals, which are extremely injurious to health. The organic food products are obtained from the natural resources without the use or input using such synthetic involvements chemicals. The organic farming and its food products are experiencing many issues and problems related to excessive prices.

The needs and wants of any type of customers are primary concerns of businesses while marketing their services and products. The customer orientation may vary from style inclined to health conscious. The health conscious consumers have a demand of organic food products instead of synthesized food products. It is important for Grocery Retail Marketers to understand the needs and wants of these consumers. This paper explains the needs and wants that make some consumers deliberately seek out and purchase organic food products which are often sold at premium prices.


Health conscious consumers who focus mainly on the nutrient composition of the food products are likely to spend more on healthy organic food products rather than synthesized products. However, there are various issues faced by the consumers these days. Most specifically, the problems pertaining to the high prices of the organic food products are faced by these consumers. This is due to the fact that high premiums are charged over organic food. It is often sold at premium prices which are difficult for consumers to afford at times when the income level is not sufficient. The average household usually complains about such increase in prices due to premiums, according to the speculations. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to have a system to maintain these prices induced by premiums (Zepeda, 2007).

It is important for Grocery Retail Marketers to understand the needs and wants of the consumers demanding for organic food products. They are responsible for the meeting the demands of consumers and understanding their desires related to their health concerns. The grocery retail marketers should spread awareness about the organic food products. The awareness regarding the rise in prices due to the rising demands and limited supply should be conveyed consumers. There are several factors that should be considered for organic food products which are often sold ...
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