Need To Realize True Love

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Need to realize true love

Need to realize true love

Thesis statement

The poet tries to prevail on his love to realize what true love is and make a difference among those who truly love her and those who love her for her outward appearance. In the warning by the poet that outward appearances are to fade with time and so is the love of such people is a strong message for other young women to take the right decision in life.


William Butler Yeats wrote the poem “When you are old” in 1893. This poem is partly influenced by Greek mythology as the poet was inspired by the story Helen of Troy. The poem was written by Yeats for a woman named Maud Gonne whom he loved but could not marry. It is also based on an earlier poem written by Pierre de Ronsard.


The poem is composed of three quatrains. It was composed in iambic pentameter and employs the clever use of punctuations. It carries the ABBA rhyming scheme. The use of punctuations such as “and” prevails on its readers to slow down while reading the poem, and thereby, enables a reflection of the slow pace of life to be felt. The entire poem is an excellent message for young women to take the correct decision and prevails on the need to make difference between lovers who are true and those who value outward appearance.

This poem is a poem of loss and reflects the feelings of a man who could not win over his love. Though the poem surely refers to Yeats, yet no direct reference whatsoever are made in the poem to suggest that this man is Yeats as the first person singular is used. However, it is certain that this poem reflects his feelings for the woman he loved, but was unable to win over her. This part carries a tone of pain. The only possible reason for Yeats using an anonymous person instead of his own name appears to be that he wanted this poem to be addressed to all young women.

The first stanza of the poem is gloomy and carries an important advice. The advice is meant by the poet to make the woman realize that time is running out and she must take a decision before she becomes old. The advice to the woman who is “old and gray” to “slowly read” a book of her memories related to her past is a message on his part and carries a positive tone.

“…the soft look

Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep”.

The word “and” in the above line sets the slow tempo of the poem. The repeated use of the word “and” throughout the poem is meant for this same purpose.

The opening stanza is melancholic which is followed by a different tone in the next stanza. The next stanza is more an attempt on part of the poet to make the woman realize his love. This prompts him to urge the woman to regard ...
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