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Necrophilia is the sexual appeal to corpses. It is classified as a paraphilia by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association.

(Resnick, pp. 13) reconsidered data from 34 situations of necrophilia recounting the individuals' motivations for their behaviors: these persons described the yearn to own an unresisting and unrejecting colleague (68%), reunions with a loving colleague (21%), sexy affinity to corpses (15%), solace or overwhelming sentiments of isolation (15%), or searching self-esteem by expressing power over a murder casualty (12%).


Research on Necrophilia

In 1958, Klaf and Brown commented that, whereas seldom recounted, necrophilic fantasies may happen more often than is usually supposed. (Resnick, pp. 13) theorized that either of the next positions could be antecedents to necrophilia (pp. 161):

The necrophilia evolves poor self-esteem, possibly due in part to an important loss;

He/she is very fearful of rejection by women/men and he/she yearns a sexy colleague who is incapable of declining him/her; and/or

He/she is fearful of the dead, and changes his/her worry — via answer formation — into a desire.


He/she evolves a stimulating fantasy of sex with a corpse, occasionally after exposure to a corpse.

The authors furthermore described that, of their experiment of 'necrophiliacs':

68% were inspired by a yearn for an unresisting and unrejecting partner;

21% by a desire for reunion with a lost partner;

15% by sexy affinity to dead people;

15% by a yearn for solace or to overwhelm sentiments of isolation; and

11% by desire to remedy reduced self-esteem by expressing power over a corpse (pp. 159). (Abraham, pp. 433-443)


At the end of their own report, Rosman and Resnick composed that their study should only be utilized like a spring-board for farther, more in deepness, research. Minor up to date researches undertook in England have shown that some necrophilia are inclined to select a dead friend after falling short to conceive loving additions with the living. (Clay, pp. 18-21)


Necrophilia in Animals

Necrophilia is renowned to happen in animals, with several verified observations. Kees Moeliker supposedly made one of these facts while he was seated in his agency at the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam, when he learned the characteristic thud of a bird striking the glass facade of the building. Upon examination, he found out a drake (male) mallard lying dead about two meters from the building. Next to the downed bird there was a second drake mallard standing close by. As Moeliker discerned the twosome, the dwelling drake selected at the corpse of the dead one for a couple of minutes and then climbed on the corpse and started having sex with it. The proceed of necrophilia continued for about 75 minutes, in which time, as asserted by Moeliker, the dwelling drake took two short breaks before restarting with copulating behavior. Moeliker surmised that at the time of the collision with the window the two mallards were committed in a widespread convention in duck demeanor which is called "rape flight". "When one past away the other one just went for it and didn't get any contradictory response — well, didn't get any feedback," as asserted by ...