Natureview Farm Case Study

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Natureview Farm Case Study

Natureview Farm Case Study


Natureview Farm Inc. had established in 1989. Its main product was refrigerated yogurt cup which was famous because of its natural ingredient recipe. In 1999, the revenue of the company was $13 million, and for 2001, it targeted $20 million. In this regard, the CEO of company, Barry Landers, had called for a plan to achieve this target. Dannon, Yoplait, Breyers and Colombo, were also the main players of yogurt market in United States. These companies were trading yogurt through the supermarkets (97%) and fresh food (3%). The success of the supermarket is because of efficient price and distribution system. How as NV succeeded in the natural foods market

The key difference between the Naturview yogurt and other market players was recipe. The Natureview was using natural ingredients in manufacturing while others were not using. Other yogurts branded companies were misusing an artificial growth hormone. It helps in the increase of milk production from the cows. In addition, the yogurt of Natureview had 50 days shelf life as compared to 30 days of other branded companies.

Naturview had never compromised with its creamy taste and high quality yogurt. In the wake of new revenue target, company designed its separate plan for the supermarket and fresh food stores. Like supermarket, Natureview got success in fresh foods. Although it's overall share in the business, was not much good but helped the company in branding in all over the United States. In this regard, the Natureview introduced many other products which make him known the family of natural products. Moreover, with the passage of time, natural food retailers like the Whole Foods and Wild Oats had become a niche along with loyal customers of Natureview.

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