Nature-Nurture Theory

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Nature-Nurture Theory

Nature-Nurture Theory


Nature in simple words refers to heredity, which could be explained as the genetic make up or the term genotypes, which is carried by an indivudal from the time of his conception unitl the time of his death. Heredity could range from the genetic predispositions which among each individual are specific to a certain extent, which explains the potential differences regarding the characterstics of an individual such as the temperament. This notion of nature, refers to the tendencies that could be prescribed biologically, which deals with ther capabiltiees and tendencies of an individual, which are unfolded by an individual through out hise life time.


Nature-Nurture Controversy

Despite all the nomenclature, the controversy of the nature-nurture theory in the current state is a lot less dichotomous than it is normally belived. In simple words if we explain the term nature-nurture controversy, this term suggests a polarization of nurture and nature, interaction and continuity. However, in a more apt manner it describes the central process that is involved in this controversy of nature and nurture. Therefore, this controversy is not solely about the affect of heredity or environment on the observed outcomes. This controversy is more about the extent these two factors influences the development of a human being, along with the ways in which the various factors influences each other (Ridley, M., 2003).

Homosexuality and gay studies

Homosexuality is not 'normal' is a symptom of a disorder. According to Dr. Nicolosi, against which promotes gay movement has not been shown that there are genetic causes. Emotional problems within the family are among the most common causes. Many homosexuals have ceased to be after spending by the association of Nicolosi.

Homosexuality is not 'normal' is a symptom of a disorder. According to Dr. Nicolosi, against which promotes gay movement has not been shown that there are genetic causes. Emotional problems within the family are among the most common causes. Many homosexuals have ceased to be after spending by the association of Nicolosi. Approximately 2% of the population is homosexual. Therefore, statistically, is not "normal" in the sense that it is widespread. In addition, it is not normal either in terms of natural design. When we speak of natural law, and the role of the human body, when we look at the function the human body, homosexuality is not normal. It is a symptom of some disorder. Normality is something that plays a role according to the ...
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