Natural Science

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Natural Science

Natural Science

1. What are the primary differences between subsistence, capitalistic, and centrally planned economies?

Substance economy

A self provisioning of community who relies on cultivation and hunting for food and depends of tress for survival and reproduction such Ethiopia, Ireland and Tanzania.

Capitalist economy

Decision regarding production and investment are usually owed by people with minimum government interference such as Germany, Taiwan, UK and Japan.

Planned economy

Decision regarding investment and production are usually done by government agency such as North Korea.

2. What are the main differences between renewable and nonrenewable resources? Give an example of each.

Renewable Resources

Is a reproduce able such as trees or crops which can be harvested and then renew themselves after cycle

Non-renewable Resources

Is produces or grow once and then completely die such as nuclear and fossils fuels.

3. Why do capitalistic and centrally planned economic societies tend to have a greater effect on the environment then subsistence economies?

Centrally planned and capitalist economy does work in the best of people because Government may control areas of economy. While on other hand, substance economy does not enjoy such benefits, people of these countries have to exchange food with fishing hooks and other thing available in community (Zhou, 2005).

4. How can consumer choices of more environmentally responsible products make companies change their practices?

In developed countries, consumers are more environmental conscious and by only those companies' products who implement ISO practices in their production process. It represents, companies forced to change their production practices to keep engaged them environment friendly otherwise their Net Income went down.

5. What is meant by the term "greening" of a business?

Term greening of a business strives a positive impact on community and environment. It basically practices a business strategies go beyond demonstrate commitment and regulation to healthy sustainable future. According to Utting, (2002) Green business adopts policies, principles and practices to improve quality of life for its employees and customers.

6. Name three options that you have when you grocery shop that would encourage more environmentally responsible actions on the part of companies.

Go Fabric: avoid plastic bags and use book bad or buy online.

Buy Organic: organic vegetable grown without all pesticides that mass production farms use.

Walk to Store: it can burn some calories and save the environment.

7. Do you opt for the choices that you outlined in question six? Why or why not? Be specific.

Walk to the store is a great idea and I am quite surprise that why people do not try this option when they easily can. If you do not live within the walking distance of grocery store then try riding bike or car pooling because it can burn few calories.

8. What are the primary differences between a cap and trade approach and a carbon tax as methods to decrease industrial emissions of carbon dioxide?

Cap trade system is efficient to achieve goal of environment but goal is settled by market force, on other hand tax provides certainly about compliance cost but it result CGH emission and also note ...
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