Natural History Museum London

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Natural History Museum London

Natural History Museum London


The Natural History Museum, London is one of the largest and most famous museums in the region of United Kingdom. It is also an attraction for the international tourists, specifically those who have interest in history. The museum was established considering the rich history and heritage of the United Kingdom. The museum is currently facing problems in term of funds, due to the latest cut in funds by the government. The core focus of the management in this scenario is to bring the museum out of these difficult times. For this purpose, as a Director of Strategy for the Natural History Museum, London a strategic plan has been suggested to add effectiveness to the processes, and bring the management out of the funding problems.

Strategic Management

Strategic management is the complete set of ongoing actions and processes that the organizations utilize to methodically manage and align the available resources and the events involved with the mission, vision and strategy all the way through an organization. Strategic management actions change the fixed plan into a structure that provides the organization with strategic performance response to the decision making functions and enables the strategic plan to develop and grow as necessities and other conditions change (Burgelman 2008, pp. 01). Strategic management is comprised of the analysis, decisions, and events that an organization undertakes for the purpose to create and maintain competitive advantages. This description captures two major elements that are decisions and actions, which go to the roots and heart of the subject of strategic management.

Natural History Museum London

The Natural History Museum, London is one of the largest in the United Kingdom. It is located in South Kensington, which is an area with two other museums. The museum is controlled and sponsored by the Department of Sport, Media and Culture, London. It is free from charity and is an entity under the non-departmental communal body. In its initial phase the museum was known as the British Museum until the time period of 1992. The museum is well known all across the globe as an active centre of research. Numerous collections in the museum have a vast historical as well as certain scientific value (Ingram et. al 2008, pp. 2465). The Natural History Museum gives a wide range of program for temporary based exhibitions and various events together with the chances to join specialists. The museum is full of wonderful collection form the historic times of London, and the best part is that the museum has not limited its characteristics to a certain class. The best feature of the museum is that it is being completely sponsored, and is providing free services to the citizens of London, United Kingdom. The museum is completely funded by the public institutions. The core focus of the museum is to attract more and more visitors, and does not charge any entry fee from the visitors of the museum (Rasnitsyn 2000, ...
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