Nationalism And Migration

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Nationalism and Migration

Nationalism and Migration


The development of Europe is influenced decisively by migration processes. Immigrant groups of different relations types with their home and become the counterpart of nationalism identity. New studies on nationalism begin to contemplate the relationship Mutual and its Diasporas "Mothers Nations". On the other hand, migration is always related to a process of construction and reconstruction of identities. In this context the role of the state is of great importance and model nation that wants to be help or hinder integration population immigrant. In this paper the Scottish Nationalist movement and Migration of Africans to United Kingdom will be studied.


Scottish Nationalist Movement

It was in 1688 that ended once and for all the independent existence of Scotland. That year, the richest layers of the English bourgeoisie appealed to the Dutch prince William of Orange to come with his troops to restore order in England whose social life was still upset by the "excesses" of the bourgeois revolution (Andersen, 2001). The Scottish population was lost in the mixing of populations engendered by the industrial and urban explosion throughout the Union. It spread first in the north of England and Ireland, and then across to the needs of labor up of labor entailed by industrial development. In this movement, the Scottish population lost what remained of specific linguistic and cultural traditions were transformed (Harvie, 2004). The Scottish identity that emerged from this period was more of a regional and national identity.

Until the late 19th century there was not really current specifically Scottish policy. It took two severe economic crises that marked the years 1882-1895 for the discontent of the middle classes might give birth to a Scottish separatist movement inspired by that which already existed for a long time in Ireland. But this movement failed to get a place (Andersen, 2001). At the same time, the minor Scottish union leader Keir Hardie had little more success when he tried to establish a Scottish Labour Party strongly tinged autonomism and he eventually joined the Independent Labour Party, which laid the foundations future Labour Party in Great Britain. In the following period autonomism Scottish survived as a current within the Labour Party, without affecting also the attitude of the leadership of the party, which showed strongly in favor of maintaining the Union. It was another economic crisis, the 1930, which gave the Scottish nationalism in the agenda (Harvie, 2004). Again the dramatic consequences of the economic crisis in Scotland allowed nationalism to regain some credit.

African Migration to United Kingdom

International migration is seen as opening the field of possibilities for a growing number of young Africans. A large proportion of young urbanites candidates have started moving to the European countries. Many young men and young women believe that migration to the United Kingdom is the only possible strategy to assert itself and succeed. Staying in the country is being exposed to a life deemed insignificant due to the deterioration of employment conditions and remuneration, rising inequality and the weight ...
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