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There are nations who have given their lives for the sake of their countries. There are histories when people have sacrificed their belongings and wealth, life and health for the survival and establishment of their beloved homelands. It is called as the nationalism. The following essay will evaluate how the nations kill or get ready to be killed for the sake of their nation. There are rational and pre-rational perspectives that will be considered in accordance to the nationalism.



Nationalism is an ideology and social and political movement that emerged along with the concept of nation itself in the modern age in the historical circumstances of the Age of Revolutions (Industrial Revolution, Revolution, bourgeois, liberal revolution) from the late eighteenth century. You can also refer to the nationalist sentiment and the age of nationalism.

As an ideology, nationalism offers a particular nation as the only reference identity within a political community, and part of two basic principles regarding the relationship between the nation and the state:

The principle of national sovereignty: they maintain that the nation is the only legitimate basis for the state.

The principle of nationality: they maintain that every nation must form their own state and that state boundaries should coincide with those of the nation.

The term applies to nationalism political doctrines and nationalist movements: the collective actions of social movements and political action to achieve nationalist claims. Sometimes also called a nationalistic sense of belonging to the nation itself, something initially identified with the patriotism, but different if it goes beyond mere sentiment and incorporates the doctrinal content or political action in a concrete sense.

The historiography also uses the term nationalism to refer to the age of nationalism: the historical period of formation of nations and the emergence of ideology and nationalist movements, which occurred around the nineteenth century, coinciding with the liberal revolutions or bourgeois revolutions. In the twentieth century there is a renewal of nationalism in the interwar period linked to fascism, and after the Second World War related to the process of decolonization and the Third World, when there are many groups called National Liberation Movement.

There is also talk of musical nationalism , artistic expression of the second half of the nineteenth century that coincides with political nationalism in the assessment of ethnicity ( folklore ), which derives from the earlier romantic , intellectual and artistic movement also closely linked to the romantic nationalism , albeit temporary extension and wider conceptual it.

Pre-Rational Perspective

Though there are rational and pre-rational perspectives that have been described beautifully by Sorel as he has used the used 'Drama” to explain the pre- rational perspective. He has included the following points to justify his theory. They are:

People are not typically radicalized by reasoned arguments.

They are radicalized by what I'm going to call “Drama”.

Drama carries humans away, despite their power to reason. You could actually say it causes them to lose their heads.

Sorel more or less focuses on one sort of dramatization of a conflict:

The conflict is a life-or-death struggle between irreconcilable ...
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