National Treasure

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National Treasure

National Treasure

The National Treasury is also known as public funds, and State Property, with whom it has to face expenses, which are the health, safety, education and justice. These are the ordinary expenses, which must add extra costs in case of war or public calamity. It also serves the National Treasury grants to the provinces, when they can not cover their ordinary expenses with their own revenues (Scanlon, 165-166). In US, the Constitution on the subject legislation providing in Article 4, that these expenses to which we have alluded, are financed with funds from the national treasury, and explains how it is integrated:

With import duties and export (collected by Customs with respect to which Article 9 states that the only customs that operate in the country will be national, with rates set by Congress. Article 75 inc. 1 will give jurisdiction to grant customs laws, the National Congress).

With the sale and lease of land being owned by the nation (this is the so-called public lands the sale and use should be mandated by Congress under Article 75 inc.5 CN.).

Post to income (for the shuttle service that can match a monopoly, or as at present, competing with private companies).

With other taxes imposed on the population by Congress, including internal taxes on consumption, the value added tax (VAT) which is an indirect tax, consumer translatable (established concurrently by the federal government and the provinces, according to art. Direct taxes as imposed on income or assets which are powers of the provinces, their creation, except in cases of emergency, you can do the nation as the case of income tax in effect since 1932.

Borrowing or lending enacted by the Legislature to cover national emergencies or for enterprises of the nation (they are lending money to get the state to finance the expenditure referred to).

National treasure is the collection of resources of the country that make up the necessary condition for the production of products, services and support people's lives. According to current statistical concepts in the size of the public wealth is included:

Non-financial business assets

Non-produced assets, including tangible (land, wealth of mineral resources, natural biological and underground water resources);

Intangible assets (licenses for the introduction of inventions, sent a contract, etc.);

Cash assets (monetary gold, currencies, shares, loans, etc.)

In common, question of public wealth, its nature and conditions of the cluster were always the main issue of economics. With the economy and economic theory, the concept of national wealth varied from time to time. For example:

The mercantilists believed that wealth can only be gold (money), and his only source of trade considered.

Physiocrats believed that this property is land, and the source of the wealth of nations considered work on the ground.

Classics recognized only source of wealth of human labor, and all that is produced by labor, became the public wealth. By the 20th century, it shared the world view that national wealth is the good of all those owned by the Company at this time.

The Structure of the Public Wealth

National asset consists of different ...
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