National Museum Of History

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National Museum of History

National museum of History

About the National museum of history

The magnificent museum named 'national museum of history' is located in the city of Los Angeles, California (NIHP, 2012). It was constructed in the year; 1913.It encompasses the extensive collection of treasures that depict the evolution of history, arts and science. It is a tall, and unique structure building which is made of marble walls, whereas, the ceiling and the dome are made up of Rotunda. It is registered with the National Institute of Historic Places. After its first building, additions were consistently being made in its building in the form of wings from the year, 1925 to the year is a three storey museum with permanent exhibition of the historic treasures. It comprises of the animal habitat collection, dinosaurs, insect zoo, the Ralph Parsons Discovery centre and the pre-Columbian culture.

Geological significance

Geology is a branch of earth science, which deals with the study of physical structure of the planet. It pertains to the study of Solid earth, as well as, the rocks which compose the earth. It also covers the processes that have taken place in order to form certain minerals and rocks as a result; it is a sufficient resource to study the evolution of earth and its history from its own existence and composition of its crust, along with the physical features. It aids the mankind to look into the changes taking place in account of physical history of the earth.

The national museum of history makes a great contribution in the regard (NIHP, 2012). It encompasses an extensive collection of the geological heritage of the planet. It displays a rich collection of minerals, gems and rocks that exhibits Geological history of the planet in detail. The geological collection is as under;

Rocks and materials: the extensive collection present for the display visualizes change, conservation, as well as, insight of the geological history and evolution of the earth. The collection encompasses rocks, minerals, as well as, gems and stones which trace back to happening of certain events which left them as a resultant. They thoroughly classify different events pertaining to gems, rocks and minerals and take the individual on an exploratory journey of the history. They sketch a timeline of the geology of Earth's solid to 4.5 billion years old incidences and events. The collection explains the significance of natural resources and guides us towards conservation ...
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