National Healthcare Delivery

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National Healthcare Delivery

National Healthcare Delivery


Healthcare has been the most discussed issue of the United States where market plays a significant role in the diversity of healthcare services (Robert, 2009). In other countries healthcare is supported by public entities as well. Although, many believe that private health care in the United States provide much better facilities and care than any public healthcare and the competition in the market is a substantial way to control costs. In the United States the way healthcare services are developed are haphazard and state is involved to a considerable extent along with other non-profits organizations. The main providers of health care services in the United States are the doctor's clinics who practice individually or in groups, non-profit clinics and hospitals, profit making hospitals run by private sector, health maintenance organizations and government run hospitals. The facilities of healthcare are given access through private payment and insurance (Robert, 2009).


The health care delivery in the United States is a complex system which involves many organizations and individuals (Jones, 2010). They are the educational and research institutions, suppliers of medicine, insurance companies and health care providers. They are relevant in providing preventive, primary, acute, auxiliary and any other kind of continuative care which is required. The system is not integrated between the different components that could work together like a system. The basic fundamentals of insurance, financing, delivery and payment represent the different ways in which state and private sector run the programs. Since, United States is a market oriented country; it attracts a large number of business men to invest in health care delivery as the profits are high. The main issue is that the costs of health care are expensive, there is no standardization in the functions in the system and there is lack of planning and direction of the whole system.

As there is no clear direction of the overall system, there are discrepancies which cause duplication, inconsistency and inefficiency of the whole system (Jones, 2010). Thus, a health care delivery system does not exist. The concern related with cost, access and quality of health care for all citizens of America stays an unachieved goal. The goals of the system are challenging and it is most likely that they will not materialize soon. There are four main parts of the health care organizations in United States which include financing, insurance, delivery and payment. The health care delivery in the United States has been reviewed a number of times and many models are also suggested for improvement (WHO, 2011). The statistics provided by fifty health care service providers showed that although the country spends high amounts of health care per person, however, the quality of health care is poor and the people are getting sicker (WHO, 2011). The rates of life taking diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes as increased over the years even after developments in the medication.


The healthcare of the United States requires tests, procedures and lengthy hospital stays that overall increase in the healthcare bill ...
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