National Electronic Health Records Paper

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National Electronic Health Records Paper

National Electronic Health Records Paper

EHR Mandate

The growing mortality rate in the hospital due to the medication error requires the system to cope this situation in the health care setting of United States. The two statistical investigators Kimmel & Sensmeier highlighted the increased fatality rate due to frequent medication error. Moreover, they focused the on the high cost that was generated via those medical errors (Kimmel & Sensmeier, 2002). In this scenario, the use of information technology is considered as crucial. Various hospitals have adopted the novel systems in order to reduce the medical error occurrence as well as to increase the patient safety with quality health care. The provision of the quality and safe care is the integral responsibility of the governing body of the country. Information technology has given many systems for the healthcare improvement. The electronic health records (EHR) are one of them. EHR is a mandate in the healthcare system of United States.

Several evidences have verified the EHR mandate as the successful tool in declining the medication error frequency. United States of America implemented this system on July 13, 2010. The government aims to enhance the system of electronic health records from the paper work records of the patients (HHS Press Office, 2010). The EHR system facilitates the safe storage of the health records. Physicians and nurses become able to maintain the information of each patient. Moreover, the information can easily be exchanged at the time of need or emergency. The EHR system is the pool of information that contains the health records of each patient.

This system enables the health care provider to access the desired data of patient at any time or any point of care. The EHR system compiles the complete data of the patients that include a history of allergies, immunization history, medication, lab reports, and demographic data as well as the legislative press releases regarding health care issues. The objective of implementing the EHR system is to assure the identification of the protected, secure and substantial health information of a single patient. This in turn, reduces the chances of medical error and improves the evidence-based health care quality (FHIT, 2008).

Current Plan and Status of Richard Medical, Ohio

The Richard Medical hospital is situated in the state of Ohio. This hospital caters the healthcare facilities to the patients of cardiovascular disorders and cancer. The history of hospital relates to the increased mortality rate due to the elevated medication error at various points that include

Errors in prescription written by the physician

Wrong medication and incorrect dose

Wrong patient

Wrong dosage form

The Richard Medical adopted the electronic health record (EHR) system three years back in order to enhance the patient safety. EHR is technological approach that has reduced the occurrence of medication error. EHR systems provide the health care facilities as well as routinely manage the hospital areas. This system assists the health care providers in daily work. HER system encompasses the following

1. Clinical information

2. Billing system

3. Claim submission

4. Reminder system concerning the ...
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