National Culture

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Assignment 2: National Culture

Assignment 2: National Culture

National Culture

The national culture can be defined as set and group of norms, values, beliefs, behaviours and customs of an independent nation. Businesses and companies all over the world develop the practices related to management and other operation practices, coincide them with the national culture of the country. The values are the primary dimension of the culture, which is the point of difference between the two or more countries. This means that the values and norms make the distinction between the nations and their cultures. The primary dimensions of the national culture are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus collectivism, and masculinity versus femininity. These are the Hofstede's dimensions of the culture as he studied and researched on these dimensions as the significant points of distinguishing the culture of the two nations. This assignment includes the comparison of the two national cultures which are China and Australia.

Decision Making

There are several differences in the way the decisions are taken in the China's business and national culture and the decisions taken by the business executives of Australia. Due to these differences it becomes very difficult for the foreign executives and managers to take desiccations. The significant element of decision making in China is that the Chinese companies and businesses pay more attention and focus on the issues and the complexity of those issues (Ralston, 2008, 8-26). This is because they always want to make sure that all the related matters of the problem or the issue whether direct or indirect goes through the process of thinking so that those matters can be resolved to the maximum extent. They usually go back to the roots of the problem regarding which the decision needs to be taken, and they often start to solve the problem with the scratch rather than continuing it from the middle. Through this process, they ensure the pint that all the angles are view associated with the problem or the decision. Chinese consider the whole thing in its entirety while making the decision about it and this allow them to view the problems and decisions as big pictures. Chinese follow the collectivistic culture in which they involve team to make the decision (Lok, 2004, 321-338).

On the other hand, the Australians believe in making decisions in a quick manner and them also belief in making decisions as soon as possible. Instead of taking too long to examine the problem they prefer taking and seeking advice from the others such as peers and subordinates and they also act in an individual manner. The Australians also think in a linear manner, and they only consider the preferred matter about which the decision needs to be taken rather than viewing it as a big picture. The Australians follow the individualistic culture to make the decisions where the leaders force the decision making it without the team (Ralston, 2008, 8-26).


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