Nathan's Case Study- Unilateral Hearing Loss

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Nathan's Case Study- Unilateral Hearing Loss

Nathan's Case Study- Unilateral Hearing Loss


In this paper, I would attempt to provide my personal assessment and reflections on the 5 year old boy “Nathan” affected by Unilateral hearing loss. I observed Nathan for my case study. Unilateral hearing loss is usually referred as single-sided deafness. It is said to occur when a person has normal hearing in one ear, but impaired hearing in the other. Similar was the case with the five year old subject in my case study.

The ailment had resulted in a changed life for Nathan; his behavior had also changed drastically. The everyday functioning of the boy was severely affected due to the ailment and the boy had trouble performing in school. I have developed a deep association with the ailment after conducting the case study of the five year old boy. The case study gave me a chance to pinpoint the issues in everyday functioning, academic and behavioral problems of the subject.

Nathan's Unilateral Hearing Loss

I can better relate to the conditions and consequences of Unilateral hearing loss after conducting a thorough case study of Nathan. I witnessed the issues with the subject and how he had trouble concentrating in school and at controlling his anger. The case study allowed me to relate to the situation faced by the five year old child.

The knowledge about the ailment acquired by witnessing the subject inspired me to further educate myself on the ailment. The subject of the case study imitated the behaviors of his fellow classmates and often got into trouble for that. Nathan did not use his own behaviors that were directed by his own thoughts/emotions. Due to UHL, the child's behavior had changed drastically. He often got into trouble at school and also developed an aggressive personality. Although, the gross motor movements of the child i.e. bodily movements were fine and he also had no trouble with his hand-eye coordination. But, Nathan had trouble paying attention in class and his attention could be distracted very easily.

Effects of UHL and Behavioral Issues in Nathan

Due to the existence of Unilateral hearing loss, the five year old boy had developed many behavioral issues. Assessments were also acquired from the subject's teachers in order to get their perspective on the child. The subject did not proceed with his own thoughts and behaviors and used to imitate the behavior of his fellow classmates. ...
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