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Thesis Statement

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

The connection between breakthrough and investigation has propelled human curiousness for all of noted history. Since the time of the very vintage philosophers, we have striven to comprehend our location in the cosmos and have looked to the heavens for responses to the questions: Where manage we arrive from? Are we alone? Where are we going? Exploration and breakthrough have been particularly significant to the American experience. New World pioneers and American frontiersmen displayed our Nation the significance of the information, expertise, assets, and inspiration that flow from exploration. Like the ancients, America has furthermore discovered the heavens, and in the last cited half of the 20th 100 years, the Apollo Moon landings became the most distant milestone in the extending American exploratory tradition. At the starting of the 21st 100 years, we stand at a exclusive time in our investigation of the heavens. The exploratory voyages of the next couple of decades have the potential—within our lifetimes—to response age-old inquiries about how life starts, if life lives in another location, and how we could reside out there. Our comprehending of the cosmos and its habitability is being revolutionized by new discoveries. Scientists have discovered new types of life in environments one time considered inhospitable. Spacecraft have recognised promise new assets on the Moon. Robotic searches have discovered clues of water, a key component of life, on the planet Mars. A objective to Jupiter has disclosed that seas probable underlay the icy exterior of that planet's moons (NASA Supplier Base, 2007).

Astronomers have found out over 100 satellites, and counting, encircling other stars. Together, these outcome show that our cosmos may be more liveable than before known. Instead of a dry, lifeless cosmos, there may be numerous worlds that harbored life in the past and can support life today. We furthermore stand at a key time in the annals of human space air journey, when significant alternatives about investments in the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station, and follow-on programs are being made in the awaken of the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy. Just as conclusions to start the Space Station and Space Shuttle programs were made 20 and 30 years before, the main heading we set for our human space air journey programs today will characterise space investigation for decades to come. The President's Vision for space investigation is bold and forward-thinking (Lyle, 2002, 74). It elaborates technical breakthrough and the seek for liveable environments and life by accelerating human and robotic capabilities over multiple worlds. This design presents the structure for fulfilling the President's main heading, directed by the values on the opposite page. It is responsive to latest research outcome, the NASA Strategic Plan, the report of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, and the new space investigation policy. It hunts for to set up a sustainable and flexible set about to investigation by chasing convincing inquiries, evolving innovation technologies, leveraging space assets, and producing intelligent conclusions about ongoing programs. It will ...
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