Narrative Story Of Myself

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Narrative Story of myself

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Narrative Story of myself

Asian American Narration

I am an Asian living in the United States of America. I migrated to US from my native country Korea at the age of fifteen. As other Asians, I felt myself to be a part of an unpredictable and strange environment. In addition to homesickness and language barriers, I had to adjust to various economic changes such as downward social mobility, physical changes such as different type of arrangement of housing, new city to reside, increased density of population (Bedi, 2003). The most difficult type of change I had to adapt to was the cultural change. The change in culture included changed value orientation of US as compared to my native country, changed values and norms, religion and education. Besides that, I had to confront social relationship as well as political change in the new country.

It was the time when there was a sudden lack of support from family when it was required the most. For the first time, our new isolated family unit had to make and maintain our own set of rules along with adjusting to a novel environment with extremely strange demands. As the support system was inadequate and the level of stress was extremely high, our family became disengaged, enmeshed and isolated from the society. The Americans who did not know us personally stared at us with suspicious eyes. I felt that the main reason for their suspicious stare is that I was an immigrant from Asia. There are enormous numbers of illegal Asian immigrants residing in the US. Asians are the 2nd largest ethnic/racial group of immigrants in US behind Latinos and Hispanics.

It was the most difficult time in my life. I had to join a new school in a society which does not ...
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